USB4 Test Fixtures With Microcontroller

- Supports 40 Gb/s data rate
- Supports basic power delivery testing
- Supports Ice Lake electrical testing
- Capable of sourcing up to 85 W
- New CIO-based test fixtures
- 85 Ohm design
General Description
Wilder’s robust next-gen USB4 Microcon-troller solution provides DisplayPort 1.4 support and USB Type-C host compatibil-ity. The USB4 Microcontroller along with Type-C TPAs can be used for testing Type-C hosts and devices.
uCtrlr and TPAs Kit: 640-0961-000
Wilder强大的下一代USB4™ 微控制器解决方案可提供USB Type-C®主機相容性。 USB4微控制器與USB Type-C TPA一起可用於測試USB Type-C 主機和設備。